After much thought as to how to get re-inspired with this whole notion of a blog, I have decided to take my little blog in a more vast direction. I enjoy design but that encompasses many aspects of my life not just my home space. Seeing how I'm between homes right now I am finding it difficult to express my own sense of style in my home since I am not in my home.
So now my little pet project will feature many things that inspire me. I do believe my experiences thus far make for quite the interesting read, haha even if only to me and this is my ambivalent silent therapist. See how I did that, you like how I so casually signed you up for a new job title without even a care? Lessons here should prove to be aw-inspiring again if only to me then hey it is what it is.
So wait a minute I know you're asking yourself how does this chic not have a home of her own she's so worldly, right? Ahhh I am currently in a roomate situation my roomates names are mom & dad. Hahaha I am taking the road less travelled and enjoying my extra time I get to spend with my family. As long as I don't start feeling like Matthew McCaunaghey in the movie where his parent are desperate to get him out of their house. If I'm honest though I'm way more the parents in that little scenario. I miss my own space, i miss being able to run to the dryer in just a towel because I don't mind having clothes there and ready to be dewrinkled at a moments notice. We'll get back to this later I'm just getting myself all worked up over this.
One last thing I will add to my situation is that I truly am blessed to be able to give my daughter an excellent enviroment to grow up in, even if I do moan about it.
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