Thursday, October 13, 2011


Let me start by saying I love all the many variations we have for the word sleep, slumber, snooze, nap, doze, catnap and the one word we're going to focus on today the SIESTA!!!  I'm starting to think the American culture has gone awry.  Not because of all the craziness in politics and economic issues, but for the simple fact of we missed the boat on this whole siesta concept.  Well that is everybody past preschool and the retired.  But all that is changing.

Now understandably the conditions were not the most ideal and man I wish I lived closer to work on days like today where I could just quickly run home and get my rest on, but alas my car will have to do.  Today I was a genius and remembered to bring my pillow though so I set the bar pretty high from here on out.  Of course while drifting off to get my forty winks (and really it was 40 minutes so this is a perfect catch phrase)

Ok so now I need to know do other countries still observe this wonderful tradition?  And yes they do!!  Spain being the biggest supporter of this tried and true gift to your body.  The siesta for shops and businesses is from approximately 2pm until 5pm while bars and restaurants close from about 4pm until about 8 or 9pm.  They did this for many years since the mid-afternoon is very hot and workers from the fields needed to come in to rest.  Of course A/C units are making this not quite the case any longer.  How sad, I think, because a siesta in the air condition is quite nice. 

And now for may favorite part of my research about the elusive siesta, experts believe siesta's are very beneficial to your overall health.  Besides making you feel like a million bucks every ounce of sleep you get sleep helps you in so many ways.  People who get enough sleep are more likely to shed those extra pounds.  You critical thinking skills are sharper, I mean really do I have to go on?

So hear ye hear ye I vote to initiate the Siesta Movement!  Who's with me?

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