Friday, October 28, 2011

Snuggle up with One of These...

I can't flip on the T.V. without seeing haunting tale and scary flix.  Here's a couple of my favorites to snuggle up and watch.  By the way loving the cold snap that just hit south east Texas, definitely different than the brutal summer we just endured!

One of the first scary movie scene I remember seeing would come from the triller "Psycho" the shower scene, enough said.

I never saw the first one but the remake of Texas Chainsaw Massacre did me in - the 3 of us that watched it together were literally afraid to walk down the hallway of our house to go to bed.

The Shining always gave me the heeby geebies but I continue to get enthrawled everytime I see it on cable.

This one completely creeps me out because in my short lived time when I lived on Long Island a co-worker knew the actual family this happened to.

The first Jeeper Creepers movie really tripped me out but honestly I can't remember why, maybe that'll be on my list this weekend.

I truly wish I could remember the name to one scary movie I remember watching once - maybe if I give the plot line somebody could help me with the title....It's setting is in the woods maybe somewhere like West Virginia or the hills of Tennessee, there are 3 brothers who clearly have not seen much civalization, well they basically hunt people for fun and are cannabals.  This movie had my on the edge of my seat for a good hour!!  If anybody knows please share thank you and enjoy your snuggle scare-fest!

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