Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Letting the Creative Juices Flow Freely

I'm slowly but surely beginning to understand why my rebellious nature took over in my later teens.  When you are constantly told you can't do this that or the other because you'll get hurt blah blah blah.  I'm all for setting some boundaries but too many can begin to stifle the spirit and eventually you may just burst!

I'm not sure many of you know but circumstances have me living with roomates their names are mom & dad.  Now I'm very grateful that they have been so understanding and wanting to provide the best for me and my daughter.  I understand they are coming from a place of deep agape love, but and there's always a but, they have a tendencies to be a bit over protective.  And now it is becoming ever apparent how much they probably enforced on me in my youth hence the massive backlash when I got a little freedom or well made my own freedom. 

I know this may surprise quite a few folks but I did pick up a couple tricks in the years since leaving the nest.  Yes I can cook AHA moment of the century, granted it's not Martha Stewart living but I did somehow stay nurished enough to make it to this ripe old age of 33.  I know how to cut, clean & carve a pumpkin.  I do remember the things that are going on in my daughters life and yes I know she needs a sweater it's chilly out in the mornings.  I've been trying to let it wash under the bridge but the constant doubt in my abilities as a mother and or adult are really starting to wear on me and now I can see it wearing on my little one. 

Maybe I'll have to read the next article about 6 more times in order to fully retain and gain some new perspective on this current issue I seem to be facing...

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