Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Procrastination is opportunity's assassin.  ~Victor Kiam

As you can plainly see I struck a nerve with myself today!  I undoubtedly amaze myself sometimes with my utter and sheer disregard for time.  I have had a lingering project laid out before me for a couple months, I know I know I'm really on the ball here.  But while I begin my rant and drawn out list of excuses, let me say I'm beginning to see the error of my ways. 

As we have come into our slow season I am revitalizing a project that was somehow thrown on my lap awhile back.  Not one I truly had much interest in and right before the summer boom.  So I put it on the back burner to try to breath life back into once we slow down.  So last week I'm putting the finishing touches on my initial email to the key people to spearhead this little venture with me, and I save it to my drafts.  Not 100% I'm ready to go guns blazing onto the next step.

So there my masterpiece sits just waiting and hoping I'll send it out and make some people very happy that I followed through.  Since Monday I have seen it there taunting me in my draft folder and the little voice in my head casually nods it off and says "tomorrow, it'll get done tomorrow"  So low and behold I had just told myself this one more time today and with in 30minutes I recieve an email from our corporate office with a grand congrats to another coordinator in another office who has created an earily similar version of some components of my project.  That I already did mind you and yet they still sit there in my draft folder.  

So the moral to the story GET YOUR WORK DONE AND YOU MIGHT GET A BIG FAT WOOHOO for a job well done. 

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