Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Kiss This 2011...

Well this new year is slowly but surely making headway, let's see how long this lasts.  I read that by the end of January most people who made their resolutions will have already derailed any real efforts in their goals.  Whether it be exercise, eating better or quit smoking.  So let's knock as many as I can now before I run out of steam!!

Well besides the apparent lingering trauma headache that now is encompassing my head I'm doing GREAT!!  I say trauma because my body feels victimized by my actions of not insulating my blood with carbs.  Today was a mass protein day but I'm still only at around 850 calories.  Not too shabby but shell shock for the rest of my being!!  I also got a heavy dose of vitamin D as I walked a mile outside while on my lunch break.  If only everyday could carry with it the pure joy of this crisp air and blinding sun, then life would be grand!

I also took some very necessary steps today to further free myself from an otherwise very unhealthy relationship.  There's a blogger I've been reading here of late and it's amazing I believe she may have dated my soon to be ex, oh but wait she's in the UK.  So isn't it interesting that there are certain personality quirks (let's call them that for the sake of being nice) that hold true across the board across oceans & worlds apart, yet their common actions are almost identical!!  So I'm reclaiming my sanity and jumping off the merry go round, roller coaster.  Wait a minute those things are fun, the self induced torture we kept putting ourselves through is not fun.  So I wish him luck in all his future tasks but for now he can kiss my ...

OK enough of the update on all that is Sam, even though I know you can't get enough.

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